Washington, July 16: The US Department of Commerce has ruled in a preliminary determination that imports from India, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea and Thailand of pre-stressed concrete steel wire strand (PC strand) were dumped on the US market. The department calculated that the dumping margins ranged up to 118.75 percent, a press release said.

Imposition of anti-dumping duties requires final affirmative determinations both from the department of commerce that dumping occurred and from the US International Trade Commission (USITC) that the imports injured or threatened US industry.
The final commerce determinations are expected in September for India, Brazil Korea and in November for Mexico and Thailand.

In the meantime the customs bureau will collect cash or a bond equal to the calculated dumping margin on any subject imports. The money would be returned in the event of a negative determination.

The department calculated the preliminary dumping margins of India as - Tata Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., 102.07 percent,all others 83.65 percent.
In 2002 US imports of PC strand amounted to $3.3 million from India, $4.4 million from Brazil, $14.6 million from Mexico, $11.2 million from Korea and $1.8 million from Thailand.

Dumping is the import of goods at a price below the home-market or a third-country price or below the cost of production. A dumping margin represents by how much the fair-value price exceeds the dumped price.
Bureau Report