Riyadh, Sept 06: The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has ruled out sending troops from the Arab regional bloc to Iraq, as desired by Washington, the GGC Secretary General told a news agency today. "There is no intention of doing that," Abdulrahman al-Attiya told a news agency ahead of tomorrow's meeting of GCC foreign ministers in the red sea city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. "The question is not actually under study," he said, as the United States worked to persuade Arab countries neighbouring Iraq as well as turkey to participate in efforts to stabilise the war-torn country. On the other hand, ministers from the GCC states -- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Oman -- will consider the question of Iraqi representation during an Arab league meeting next week, Attiya said.

"I think that we will reach a common position on who represents Iraq at the Arab League meeting," to be held in Cairo September on 9-10, he said.

GCC members could agree to Iraq's seat being occupied by a representative of a government put in place with the blessing of the United States, Attiya suggested.

"That question will not be on the agenda on the day of the Jeddah meeting given that Iraq has not (formally) asked for it," he added.

A GCC official said Wednesday that the situation in Iraq would dominate tomorrow's meeting. Bureau Report