“US led air strikes against Afghanistan are likely to be scaled back this weekend during a Muslim festival,” British Junior Defence Minister Lewis Moonie said on Friday “We are all aware of the religious significance of the next few days in the Muslim world,” Moonie said. “ I wouldn't be surprised if (military) activity was much less over this weekend,” He added
Muslims on Saturday will hold festivals marking the ascension of the Prophet Mohammed. Asked if that would apply to the Muslim fasting month of Ramazan, however, he replied: “no, it doesn't.” In separate comments, he said the onset of winter in a few weeks' time was a decisive factor in planning for a possible deployment of ground troops in Afghanistan.
Moonie was careful to stress that no decision on the use of ground forces had been taken. A US led coalition, with Britain playing the most active support role, has launched repeated air and missile attacks since Sunday on Afghanistan's ruling Taliban regime and terror suspect Osama bin Laden.
Bin laden, who is being harboured by Taliban, is accused of the bloody September 11 suicide plane attacks in New York and Washington which killed more than 5,000 people.
Bureau Report