United Nations, Oct 09: The United States faced a new setback at the United Nations today as its draft resolution on Iraq appeared to have been put on hold after criticism from UN Secretary General Kofi Annan. A disagreement over how soon Iraqis could take political control of their country and how big a UN role might be in that transition led Annan to come out against the US proposal last week, in remarks that galvanised its opponents.
"People are telling us that basically if you're going to go around with a tin cup, you need to show a little humility," a US official said in Washington. The United States now appears unable to muster the Security Council votes needed to pass the resolution, which it had hoped could convince other nations to contribute cash and troops for Iraq.
The spiralling cost, in money and blood, of the US occupation had sent Washington back to the United Nations after it launched the war earlier this year without UN support -- a move that carved deep divisions in the Council. France, in particular, announced unhappiness with the US draft, saying it ignored the suggestions given to the United States. Bureau Report