New Delhi, Oct 28: Faced with little cooperation from Tamil Nadu government in collecting material to review Pota cases against MDMK leader Vaiko and 'Nakkheeran' Gopal, the Pota Review Commission today welcomed the promulgation of the new ordinance aiming at providing it with more teeth. "The powers proposed to be conferred on the committee to help in the long run, are welcome," chairman of the Commission Justice A B Saharya said
In an interview to a news agency, the retired Chief Justice of Rajasthan High Court said the ordinance would be helpful as it has made this commission's findings binding on the state and its functionaries.
This provision would prompt the state functionaries to place their version before the commission expeditiously along with relevant material, Justice Saharya said.

Refusing to comment on the apparent non-cooperation of the Tamil Nadu government in the collection of material in the Pota cases against Vaiko and Gopal, he said for collection of material, the Commission was not solely dependant on a state government though it considered it to be an important source of information.

Justice Saharya said "if a state chooses not to respond to commission's repeated correspondence and we are able to get the relevant material from other source, we are not going to wait for the information from the particular state. Bureau Report