Beijing, Oct 03: China has decided to establish a system for auditing the circulation of newspapers and magazines in the country for the first time. “We are now setting up a scientific and measurable system to oversee and verify the circulation of publications," an official with the administration's newspaper and magazine department of the General Administration of Press And Publication (GAPP) said.
The official, who preferred to remain anonymous, gave no details of how or when the system would be introduced.
But it is expected to set authoritative and objective standards for evaluating the circulation of publications, the website of the leading official newspaper, 'People's Daily' quoted an expert familiar with the project.
An industry analyst, Cheng Mei said it would be hard to set up the system because China's media monitoring sector is still immature and faces a shortage of professionals.
But she believed GAPP's move would help regulate the publications market, which is expected to generate billions of Yuan in profit over the coming years.

Bureau Report