Islamabad, Dec 16: The BJP's landslide victory in Gujarat Assembly elections demonstrated that its "hard-line policies against Muslims" enjoyed the support of the people against the Congress' secular policies, Pakistani media said today . Claiming that BJP's victory would serve as a "warning signal" to Muslims in India, specially in Gujarat, Pakistani daily The News said "coming against the background of anti-Muslim violence, the success suggests that BJP's anti-Muslim hardline policy enjoys support among the electorate, as against the national and secularist policies of the Indian National Congress".
It alleged that BJP contested the polls on a programme that had a "purely Hindu vision for India".
"It was ironical that Gujarat the birth place of Indian statesman M K Gandhi has become the centre of intolerance, hatred and violence," the Daily said, adding it remains to be seen how the Vajpayee government would react to the results.
Other mainstream Pakistani newspapers carried only the news about BJP's victory in Gujarat.
Pakistan government yesterday refused to comment on the Gujarat election results saying it was India's internal affair. Bureau Report