Washington, Oct 08: The US Defence Department is selling at bargain price via the internet surplus equipment that could be used to manufacture biological weapons, the investigative arm of the US Congress said in a report. Moreover, the general accounting office warned in the report released yesterday that some of these materials could have been exported to countries barred by Washington from obtaining such products.

"Although production of biological warfare agents requires a high degree of expertise, public sales of these DoD (Department of Defence) excess items increase the risk that terrorists could obtain and use them to produce and deliver biological agents within the US," the report said. Gao also urged the federal government to evaluate the risk posed to national security by sales of surplus laboratory equipment and biological protective suits.

It insisted Pentagon officials had not always followed the department policy restricting use of biological protective suits and other gear to defence personnel only.

During its investigation, the Gao used a front company to acquire 4,100 dollars worth of new and used biological materials, including driers, centrifuges, incubators and protective suits. The Pentagon paid 46,960 dollars when it bought that same equipment, according to the report.

In addition, investigators tried to trace the equipment after its sale and found out that several of the items had been re-sold to countries like The Philippines, Egypt and The United Arab Emirates.

Bureau Report