Jerusalem, May 05: Removing the lid from its closely-guarded nuclear secret, Israel will reveal its pile of arsenals to International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) head, Mohammed-el-Baradei, during his visit to the country in July.
The Jewish state has also expressed its willingness to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty after the visit under the condition that it will be recognised as the only nuclear power in the region, 'Jerusalem Post' online reported today. Israel's permanent representative to the IAEA, Gabriella Guffney, had told a news agency that El Baradei would be visiting Israel in July for what she described as a "routine" visit. She said that the trip was still in the planning phase and that further details would be released at a later date.
In his first trip to Israel in six years, El Baradei intends to use the visit to promote non-proliferation and a nuclear weapons free zone in the Middle East, IAEA spokesperson Melissa Fleming said.
The visit was agreed upon by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon during his meeting with US President George W Bush last month, the report said.

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