United Nations, June 02: Acknowledging that the process of constitution of Iraq`s interim government was not "perfect", United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan has however said it stood for "progress" and stressed on the need for continued vigilance on the country`s security situation. While Annan welcomed the constitution of the interim government as a "new beginning", he acknowledged that the "process was not perfect". Talking to reporters at UN headquarters in New York, Annan observed that a lot of effort was still required to meet the challenges of the coming political transition. "Now that the new government is installed, we all need to look forward and work for the handover of sovereignty and power to the Iraqis on 30 June," he said. Commenting on ongoing consultations, Annan said "my sense is that most council members are determined to ensure that Iraq gets full sovereignty." Asked about the manner in which members of the government were named, Annan noted that Prime Minister Ayad Allawi had been on a list of possible leaders compiled by UN special advisor Lakhdar Brahimi. The cabinet selected by Allawi was also drawn from that list, he said.
It was never intended that the UN would go and appoint and impose a government on the Iraqis, he said. "We had to discuss it with them, and given the circumstances and the factors on the ground, it is not surprising that you have a mix of people from the governing council and from outside who are forming the new government." Annan also voiced concern over persistent bloodshed in Iraq. "I have no reason to believe that it is going to stop because a government has been designated," he said. Bureau Report