Mumbai, July 17: Bollywood actor Vivek Oberoi, who fractured his left leg at Kolkata yesterday during a film shoot, underwent an operation here today and is expected to be out of action for atleast three months, hospital sources said. Oberoi, was brought here from Kolkata and admitted to Hinduja Hospital at Mahim in Central Mumbai.

Orthopaedic surgeon, Dr Sanjay Agarwala, who undertook the operating on him the popular actor this evening told media that he would be fixing the fracture with nails and screws an interlocking system procedure. This procedure would permit ambulation and mobility, he said adding we expect him to stand up in a couple of days with crutches and walk more and more with support.
However, the wound will take atleast three months to heal.
Agarwala also said Vivek is in good mood and his pain is under control with injections.

"The case warrants good management and his family preferred to bring him here and we will do our best," Agarwala said. Vivek was admitted to a Kolkata Hospital last evening after he suffered serious fractures in his left leg during a chase sequence while shooting for a Mani Ratnam film on a bridge over river Hoogly.
The actor arrived here by the morning flight from Kolkata and was taken straight to the hospital.
Bureau Report