Jammu, July 03: Opposing third party mediation on Jammu and Kashmir, National Conference president Omar Abdullah today said "India has invited third party mediation by default by going to several foreign countries in the past". "I have never said that there should be any third party mediation on J&K but the fact is that we have by default invited third party mediation by visiting different foreign countries including USA in the past to discuss J&K," Omar told reporters after a conference of office bearers of NC here.
Inspite of opposing third party mediation, "we were travelling to the US and other countries and talking to diplomats on J&K," as a result of which India was pressurised during the border build up to keep patience and exercise restraint, he said.
"It is time to tell the world that J&K is a bilateral issue," Omar said.
To a question about Vajpayee-Musharraf peace talks, Omar said while holding talks with Pakistan is a necessity, it was also important to hold talks with "those holding guns".
He charged Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed with observing silence in holding talks with separatists including Hurriyat and militants.
Bureau Report