Guwahati, Nov 03: Dentists in Assam have threatened to take legal actions against the state government for allegedly ignoring their problems and demands for the past several years. "The state government has turned a deaf ear to the demands of the dental surgeons who are yet to get their first promotions and the pay scale recommended by the fourth pay commission", Assam Dental Service Association's Dr Mridul Gogoi told reporters.

He said the Medical Council of India had recommended that dentistry was a part and parcel of Directorate of Health Services but state government has been neglecting dentists. There are dental surgeons in the state who have not been promoted for the last 30 years, he said.

Dental surgeons have to work in dismal conditions with poor infrastructural facilities along with outdated equipment and instruments, he added.

"If our demands were not met immediately, we will not be left with any options but to take recourse to legal initiatives", Gogoi added. Bureau Report