Islamabad, Apr 22: Asserting that Pakistan is ready for a "sustained, purposeful, meaningful and composite dialogue" with India, Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmood Kasuri has hoped that the forthcoming visit of US Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage to the region could provide mechanism to kickstart the process. Commenting on Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee`s offer of friendship, he said "a change in tone and tenor which cannot be lost sight of. They were not off the cuff. He could not have made that statement in Kashmir without giving it a real thought."
Vajpayee`s offer could result in a "paradigm" change and lead to a concrete dialogue process in which all issues, including Kashmir would be addressed, he told the media last night at Karachi on his return from a tour of Saudi Arabia.
He was of the view that by making the offer Vajpayee has distanced himself from "aggressive statements" of some of his ministers which were "not well received" by the international community.
Urging India to come up with concrete proposals to resume the dialogue, Kasuri hoped that the forthcoming visit of Armitage could provide "mechanism" to start the talks. Armitage is expected to visit India and Pakistan shortly. Bureau Report