Hyderabad, May 04: Veteran communist leader and general secretary of the United Communist Party of India Mohit Sen died at his residence here in the wee hours today following a massive cardiac attack. Sen, 74, was a widower and had no children, party sources said.
He joined the Communist Party of India in 1948 as a "candidate member" and became of full member in 1950 during his stay in England.
Sen went to the China International Communist School in Beijing between 1950 to '53 and then worked for the party organisation in various capacities from 1956 to '62 at its central headquarters in New Delhi and here. He became a National Council member of CPI in 1966 and was elected to party central executive committee in 1971.
In 1985, Sen joined the Indian Communist Party (ICP) and when ICP merged with the All Indian Communist Party in 1988 to become UCPI, Sen became its general secretary, a post he held for 15 years till the end came. Born on March 24, 1929 in a distinguished westernised Brahmo Samaj family in Kolkata to A N Sen, then judge of the Kolkata High Court and eminent danseuse Mrinalini Sen, he had his education at the Presidency College in the city and later at Cambridge.
Sen was a prolific writer with about six books to his credit. He had published his autobiography in March. Bureau Report