Doha, Sept 04: Qatar celebrates the 32nd anniversary of its independence with the past three decades witnessing vast progress and great political, social, economic and development achievements. Qatar, a member of the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), has taken great strides in construction and technological advancement during the past couple of years.
It has become one of the world's most economically developed nations, according to figures published by the International Monetary Fund. Qatar's foreign policies are aimed at attaining Gulf security and stability while striving towards the unity of the GCC.
Qatar, which currently presides over the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) seeks peace as a strategic Arab option and rejects interference in other countries' internal affairs. Qatar has welcomed all efforts focused on clearing Arab rifts and seeks reconciliation and restoration of Arab solidarity aimed at mutual Arab interest.
It has always sought to strengthen its cooperation with Muslim and Arab countries and the establishment of strong ties with all peace-loving nations. Bureau Report