New Delhi, Dec 17: Parliament today approved supplementary demands for grants totalling Rs 9045 crore, including a provision of Rs 1949 crore bailout for UTI and Rs 3806 crore for drought relief, for 2002-03 with Rajya Sabha returning the appropriation bill by a voice vote and without discussion. The Rs 1949 crore bailout to UTI would comprise Rs 438 crore for meeting shortfall under US-64 and Rs 1511 crore shortfall under the assured return schemes.
Comprising 37 grants for various ministries, the supplementary demands for grants involves a cash outgo of only Rs 5032 crore as the remaining Rs 4013 crore would be matched by savings.
The increased expenditure of Rs 3806 crore provided to rural development ministry would be for meeting additional requirements for supply of foodgrains under Sampoorna Gramin Rojgar Yojana and Food for Work Programme particularly in the drought affected states.

The supplementary grants also provide Rs 500 crore for ways and means advances to state governments facing financial crunch. As these advances were recoverable in the same financial year, there would be no cash outgo. Bureau Report