Government on Tuesday unveiled a slew of measures to accelerate exports of wheat and rice, including setting up of a Standing Committee to sort out exporters problems, quarterly fixation of ex-granary price and a reduction in minimum rice quantity to be lifted to 2000 tonne. The announcement made after a meeting of exporters with the Union Food Minister Shanta Kumar said ex-FCI export price for wheat and rice will now be valid for a period of three months and will be announced 45 days in advance of the concerned quarter.
This has been done to enable the exporters to conduct international negotiations for exports under a stable price regime.

Minimum quantity of rice, to be lifted by any exporter, has been reduced to 2000 tonne from 5000 tonne earlier to enable larger number of small exporters to participate in rice export.
Exporters can now lift rice in lots of 500 tonne or their multiples from more than one godown within a district. Bureau Report