Agartala, June 24: Over 700 people have been rendered homeless at Amjadnagar block in south Tripura district due to breach of a dam on river Muhuri, police said today. Large parts of the block were water logged yesterday leading to complete damage of 75 houses and 700 people of 120 families took shelter at Amjadnagar junior basic school yesterday, police said.
It has been raining heavily at Amjadnagar since yesterday with water flowing near the red mark, police added. A portion of the dam on River Muhuri at Paschimpara was damaged and villagers alleged that a group of Bangladeshis from Kolapara village of the neighbouring country aided by Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) breached the dam.
Police said they were investigating the case and were yet to ascertain whether the dam was breached by Bangladeshis. When contacted, BSF confirmed that 700 people were rendered homeless but even they were yet to find out whether the dam was damaged by the Bangladeshis.

Bureau Report