Chandigarh, Feb 01: The Congress party has no answer to the BJP's slogan of feel good factor, BJP president Venkaiah Naidu said here today. ''How can the Congress feel good when the Congressmen themselves are losing confidence in their party leadership,'' Naidu said while addressing here the BJP's regional core group meeting of the senior party leaders from Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh.

Naidu said the BJP was very clear in naming Atal Bihari Vajpayee as its leader, while the Congress party was hesitant to declare their leader as a prime ministerial candidate.

''Besides performance, the leadership is also an issue for the coming (Lok Sabha) elections,'' he said. ''Vajpayee is being adored by India and admired by the world community.''

Naidu said the Congress strength in parliament would be reduced to a double digit figure after the next general elections.

He said the Congress governments in some states were in very bad shape and that was visible in Kerala and Punjab.

Naidu urged the party cadres to convey the achievements of the Vajpayee government to the common people, in their party campaign for the next Lok Sabha polls, in support of the party's slogan of 'feel good'.

Naidu said due to the able leadership of Atal Bihari Vajpayee that the country's relations with Pakistan were now improving.

He said it was following the positive attitude of Vajpayee that even Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf had advocated for 'jehad' against the foreign mercenaries.

On the Kashmir issue, Naidu said it was only because of the able leadership of Vajpayee that the Hurriyat had positively approached New Delhi for talks.

''We (the government) have eliminated the top-level commanders of terrorist organisations like Hizbul Mujahideen and we are succeeding in bringing peace in the valley,'' he said.

The BJP president said it was only during the present government that the living standard of people had started growing. ''Whether it is telecom or cooking gas or road infrastructure, we are today growing in every sector and people are happy about this,'' he said.

Naidu, later, had closed door meetings with the respective party units from Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Chandigarh to discuss the poll strategy and the prospects of seat sharing with allied parties like the Shiromani Akali Dal in Punjab.

The BJP president also addressed a rally here in which he sought mandate for the BJP in the next Lok Saha elections and recounted the Union government's achievements. Bureau Report