United Nations, July 24: Faltering global talks on farm trade reform and increased US subsidies for its crop and dairy industries could impede Africa's efforts to reduce poverty, according to the latest report of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).
"Medium term prospects for Africa depend to a great extent on external developments," ECA said yesterday in a statement on the 2003 edition of the economic report on Africa (era 2003), its annual flagship publication to be launched on July 30.
The main theme this year is accelerating the pace of development, which examines how Africa can achieve growth necessary to attain the goals of reducing poverty, set by the United Nations Millennium Summit of 2000, by 2015.
"Unfortunately for Africa, the World Trade Organization talks on farm trade reform - by far the most important issue in the Doha development round for Africa - appear to have faltered," the ECA added.
"The US decision in may 2002 to introduce a six-year 51.7 billion dollar farm bill increasing crop and dairy subsidies by 67 per cent will not help Africa's prospects," the report warns, saying it would reduce agricultural prices, making it difficult for small African countries to compete.

Era 2003 finds Africa's economic performance last year lacklustre, with growth slowing to 3.2 per cent in 2002 from an average 4.3 per cent in 2001.

The slowdown reflected the weaker global economy, effects of low commodity prices in 2001, droughts and conflicts, notably in Ctte D'Ivoire, Zimbabwe, Madagascar and the Central African Republic.

Bureau Report