Vatican City, Oct 01: As concern for his health mounted, Pope John Paul II presided at his general audience today and said that ``god willing'' he will visit a shrine in Pompeii next week. The frail 83-year-old pope appeared alert and read his speeches in various languages at the audience attended by some 12,000 people in St. Peter's square. He waved to the crowd as he was driven in an open vehicle around the square. He said that ``god willing, on Oct. 7'' he would make a pilgrimage to a shrine dedicated to the Virgin Mary in Pompeii, near Naples. John Paul missed his general audience last week because of what the Vatican called a mild intestinal ailment.
His appearance came after one of his closest advisers was quoted as saying in remarks published yesterday that John Paul was ``in a bad way'' and urged Catholics to pray for him.

The comments by German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger raised concerns the pope's health might have deteriorated beyond his obvious frailty. The pontiff suffers from Parkinson's disease, which makes it very difficult for him to speak and walk.

``He is in a bad way,'' Ratzinger told the German weekly Bunte. ``We should pray for the pope.''

The comments were made Sept. 22, a day before the pontiff came down with the intestinal ailment.

Bureau Report