Islamabad, May 01: Ahead of American defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld's visit to Afghanistan where he is expected to review security situation, a top US army official has said that Pakistan must do more to stop infiltration of Taliban and al-Qaeda elements into Afghanistan from its soil. "I think that Taliban and al-Qaeda operatives are even infiltrating right now. Yes, this is infiltration. That is what the enemy is doing. Some of the infiltrating groups are as large as 20 to 30 people," col roger king of the US Army told Pakistan's 'Daily Times' in an interview published today.

Suggesting the option of joint patrols with Pakistan Army, Col King said, "If we have the US and the Pakistani forces moving in areas from where these people cross the border, one side or the other will be able to catch them.

"When we move along one side of the border, they go back towards the other side of it. If a corresponding force is also deployed there, the enemy will have difficulty finding a safe haven," he said ahead of Rumsfeld's Afghanistan visit beginning today.

He said that Pakistan was "receptive" to the us proposal under which "the US forces would patrol the afghan side while the Pakistan Army would move on its side."

On whereabouts of Osama bin Laden, Col King said he was sure that the Saudi dissident was not in Afghanistan, adding, "I don't believe he is alive. I don't know if anyone has proven that Osama is alive. But I would be happy to be proven wrong."

"If he is alive then I have no doubts that he would eventually be captured. The crime he has committed against humanity would disallow him to find a safe place."
Bureau Report