Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder called a meeting of Germany's national security council on Tuesday amid reports that the US has requested military assistance for its fight against international terrorism. The council, which includes the chancellor and key government ministers, is the German government's highest body in times of crisis. Schroeder was to meet later Tuesday with leaders of the country's main political parties and hold a news conference. Schroeder pledged "unlimited solidarity" with the US in the wake of the September 11 attacks, and has forecast that Germany will have to take a military role in the fight against international terrorism. The Defense Ministry said on Monday that the US had yet to request any "concrete operational" assistance. But German state television, citing unidentified government sources, said that such a request had now been received, though didn't give details. A government spokesman, speaking on customary condition of anonymity, declined to comment on the report. German media have speculated that the US will ask for transport aircraft and medical teams rather than front-line troops. Bureau Report