Kolkata, Sept 27: Subsidiaries of Coal India Ltd (CIL) would be given more operational freedom so that they could compete in a liberalised environment, Union Coal Secretary P K Mishra said today. The seven CIL Subsidiaries would be allowed to compete with each other so that the consumers could benefit, he said on the sidelines of a seminar on mining here.
In this context, he said, "CIL would act as a big brother monitoring the subsidiaries from a distance".
Mishra said the government was of the view that unless private sector was allowed to participate in coal mining activities, it would be very difficult for the PSUs to increase production to meet the growing demand-supply gap.
While the projected demand for coal at the end of tenth plan was 460.50 million tonnes, supply would be in the region of 405 million tonnes, leaving a gap of 55.5 million tonnes.
This gap was expected to increase further to 95 million tonnes at the end of eleventh plan, he said.

Bureau Report