Jammu, Feb 28: Deputy Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mangat Ram Sharma today strongly condemned the terrorist attack on Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed and vowed to step up security for both political leaders and party workers ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. ''It is a matter of relief for all of us that Mufti Mohammad Sayeed escaped unhurt in the incident,'' Deputy Chief Minister said, describing it yet another act of desperation and frustration of anti-national elements. ''Even if all of us are in danger, we would not be deterred by these acts and such acts provide a greater need for further gearing up the security apparatus,'' he said.
Mr Sharma referred to the on-going Indo-Pak peace process and dialogue with Hurriyat and asked ''do not the peace-breakers understand the writing on the wall? Pakistan has denounced terror and people of both the countries have demonstrated their deep yearning for peace in unambiguous terms and the movement for settling issues through negotiations is gaining impetus.''
He said such acts are a repeat of what the militants attempted while carrying on attacks on the residence of Mufti Sayeed last year and on then Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah earlier. The assasination of political leaders in the past speak of the ugly agenda of the enemy, he said, while referring to the killing of Maulana Mohammad Sayeed Masoodi and Mirwaiz Maulvi Farooq.
He said Kashmir, Jammu and Ladakh have suffered immensely and the police, security forces and the army have sacrificed a lot in anti-insurgency operations. The Deputy Chief Minister said the people have rejected gun culture, citing public response at Beerwah where crowds not only returned to listen to the Chief Minister but also raised the slogans ''Mufti Sahib aage badoh, hum tumhare saath hain.''
Agreeing with the suggestions of the members on stepping up security, he said the people have chosen them braving numerous odds. Though all the elections in the past were free and fair, yet the last assembly elections were special in the sense that watchful international eyes certified their fairness, he said, while complimenting the resilience of the political system in facing the situation.
Mr Sharma said he represents the feelings of the entire house in condemning the attack on the Chief Minister.
Bureau Report