Kolkata, June 13: With an eye on the burgeoning fashion market in Eastern India, the first ever Tele-magazine focussing on various aspects of the glamour industry would go on air from here next month. 'Fashion Today', conceived and being produced by veteran film industry professional Narayan Rao, would bring national and regional events and a plethora of fashion-related issues. "Though the cultural capital has evolved into a throbbing fashion Centre in the last few years, the city's visual media lacks a comprehensive exposure in this area," Rao said.

The serialised weekly capsule of half-an-hour duration, scheduled to be screened on a Bengali channel, would later be evolved into a longer version after gauging the initial response, he said. The Tele-Mag would feature cine stars, models and celebrities and interact with fashion designers, fashion photographers, beauticians, jewellery designers, hair stylists, DJs, make-up artists, model co-ordinators and their creations. Bureau Report