Bangalore, July 20: Led by junior national champions Bahniman Bora and Krishna Deka Raja, aspirants from 17 states and railways will take part in the Rs one lakh prize money all India junior ranking tournament starting here on Monday. A two-star tournament, sponsored by Union Bank of India, it will be one of the selection events to pick the Indian team for the World Junior Championships to be held at Pretoria in South Africa from October 25 to November three. India is expected to send six boys, six girls and two coaches for the championship.
The coming five-day event here is being coordinated and managed by Padukone Sports Management.

At a press briefing here today, Prakash Padukone and Union Bank of India`s deputy general manager, K R Vijayendra said there would be 631 matches in all. There are as many as 15 events in various age categories for boys and girls in singles and doubles. The biggest contingent of 95 players would be from Andhra Pradesh, followed by Karnataka (85), Maharashtra (44) and Kerala (36).

Padukone was an employee of the United Bank of India in his early years as a national player.

Bureau Report