New York: In a revelation that may come as a shock to socialite and reality TV star Kim Kardashian's fans, her coffee table selfie art book titled ‘Selfish’ sold only 32,000 copies, the media reported.


The figure was revealed by the Nielsen BookScan's US Consumer Market Panel, Cosmopolitan online reported.

This is apparently an approximate figure, as Nielsen BookScan's stats do not cover 100 percent of book retailers,

According to reports, the book peaked at number 13 on Publishers Weekly's list of adult non-fiction bestsellers, and is now selling on Amazon for half of its original retail price.

However, Pam Sommers, director of publicity at Rizzoli - Selfish's publisher - was reported as saying that that Nielsen's stats are "not inaccurate" but represent "a very small segment of our sales overall, which are very strong in non-bookstore specialty retailers, and international sales, neither of which report to Bookscan."

"The book is, in fact, a significant success story as a benchmark of the phenomenon of self-portrait in the digital age," Sommers was quoted as saying.