Bihar Police Association (BPA) threatened that more than 12,000 f its members would proceed on a mass casual leave next month if the state government failed to provide them with facilities equivalent to those enjoyed by their counterparts in Delhi. BPA general secretary K K Jha told reporters that the association members from the rank of Assistant Sub-Inspectors (ASI) to inspectors would go on leave if the state government failed to keep its promise of pay parity with Delhi police by January 22, 2002.
BPA members would proceed on mass casual leave on January 23 before launching an indefinite strike to force the state government to implement the pay structure.
He said Delhi police had housing rent facility which was denied to their counterparts in the state. He claimed Bihar government had entered into an agreement with the association regarding the facilities about a year ago, but was yet to come out with a notification pertaining to the same.
Bureau Report