New Delhi: Disney’s film ‘Encanto’ has been garnering praises for its diverse representation and breaking image of a stereotypical white prince and princess. Now, a video of a two years old girl Manu Araújo Marques, who shares an uncanny resemblance with the film character Mirabel has gone viral. In the video, the little girl can be seen looking at her TV screen and telling her mum ‘it’s me’.


Manu’s mother, Hannary Araújo, posted a video of her daughter watching Encanto for the first time on Instagram. In the video, she exclaims "It's me mommy!" in Portuguese. She again repeats,  "It's me!". Her mum replies to this,  "It's you? Look at mommy, let me see if it's you," and Manu turns around to show her the spitting resemblance.

Check it out:

Talking about it to Buzzfeed, Hannary Araújo shared, “There's nothing better than seeing your child's joy — especially being represented in a Disney movie!”.

She further added, “My biggest fear when I learned that Manu would wear glasses would be bullying at school! But over the course of the movie, I completely changed my mind and saw that princesses wear glasses too!"

Hannary concluded, “If I could create custom dolls for each child, I would open a factory right away! Because you don't know the importance this generates in a child's life! Just as she is being represented by a princess, I want other children to feel the same joy as hers — the same magic!"