New Delhi, June 27: Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee today declined to comment on the four-point proposal of Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf to resolve Indo-Pak issues, saying he was still to study it. "I do not know what General Saheb has stated. And till I study it, I would not like to comment as he (Musharraf) has (earlier) issued statements that whatever he has stated has been presented wrongly," he told reporters at the airport here on returning from a six-day visit to China. "Therefore, a comment by me will not be right," he said while replying to a question on Musharraf's proposal. Asked to comment on the reported American view that Musharraf was making all efforts to stop cross-border terrorism, the Prime Minister only said the US policy on it (cross-border terrorism) has been clear.

"India respects it" and that should be given consideration, Vajpayee said without going into details. Replying to questions, he said while the Pakistan president had claimed nothing was happening on the Line of Control (LoC), he had also stated he could not give a guarantee that not a single bird flies across the border.

Vajpayee declined to answer questions on VHP's criticism of the government on various political issues.

Bureau Report