The main opposition party in Parliament, the Communists United Marxist-Leninists (UML), have emerged as the largest party in the National Assembly following Wednesday’s elections. In the elections for the 15 National Assembly (upper house) seats, the UML bagged 8 seats while the ruling Nepali Congress Party secured six, and the National Democratic Party one.
Of the 15 seats, ten were elected by the 205-member Lower House and one each by local representatives of five development regions.
The Lower House, on Wednesday, elected six Nepali Congress nominees, three UML nominees and one National Democratic Party nominee.
The UML bagged all the five seats allocated to development regions.
The lone seat reserved for woman was secured by the Nepali Congress candidate, Maiya Devi Shrestha, who was elected unopposed.
The UML now has 23 seats in the 60 member National Assembly followed by the ruling Nepali Congress which has 21 seats, nine King's nominees with one yet to be nominated and three seats are held by the National Democratic Party.
The remaining three seats are held one each by the Communists, Marxist-Leninists, the Nationalist, and the pro-India Nepal Sadbhabana Party. Bureau Report