New Delhi: Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput had bid farewell to social media almost a month ago – following his alleged break-up with long-time girlfriend Ankita Lokhande. While a series of reports surfaced during their break-up on media, the stars never resorted to giving out an official statement to affirm the same.


However, the duo kept on sending out mysterious but obvious messages through social media. Now it looks like Sushant Singh has made a comeback on the social media and guess with whom!


The actor recently wrapped up shooting for 'Raabta' – his upcoming venture alongside Kriti Sanon. Now, Kriti is also rmoured to being a great friend of Sushant, and a while ago, rumours of them dating alos came up.

The good news for now though is that the hunk is back. He posed with Kriti to declare the wrap up of their movie, and another one on their way back from Budapest.

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