Mosul (Iraq) Apr 23: Some 2,000 US soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division arrived in Mosul overland from Baghdad yesterday, a military spokesman said, and GIS started foot patrols in the centre of this northern Iraqi city. "A couple of thousand soldiers from the 101st Division have arrived," captain James Garvis said, adding that further reinforcements were expected in Mosul, located 400 km north of Baghdad.
The 101st Division is taking over from the US Marines and Special Forces who arrived in the Arab-dominated city after it fell on April 11 and are now preparing to withdraw. The situation has been tense in Mosul over the past 11 days, with incidents pitting US troops against residents resenting their presence as well as clashes between the city's Kurdish and Arab communities.
The US military had so far been cautious in making its presence felt in Mosul, but late yesterday for the first time US forces were seen patrolling the streets on foot. The situation however appeared calm and traffic circulated normally.
An Abrams tank and two Bradley fighting vehicles were also spotted for the first time near the city's airport, where US troops are based, while helicopters flew by. Troops were deployed on the Governorate Square where deadly clashes took place last week between the Marines and restive crowds. Hospital sources said around 20 people died, while the US army reported seven Iraqi deaths.
Residents were ambiguous about seeing US troops deployed in force, and as army trucks drove through the roads several people looked on in silence. Bureau Report