Kuala Lumpur, Dec 06: Sri Lanka's President and Prime Minister might be able to resolve their power struggle by December 15, and end a standoff that has threatened peace efforts with Tamil rebels, the country's chief government spokesman said today. G L Peiris downplayed concerns that President Chandrika Kumaratunga and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe had failed to reach an agreement at a face-to-face meeting yesterday - their third since November 04, when Kumaratunga fired three cabinet ministers and suspended Parliament.
"What I have heard about the talks yesterday confirms my impression that a positive solution can be hoped for," Peiris said today at the end of a three-day visit to Malaysia.
Asked if the two leaders would be able to meet a December 15 deadline to resolve the standoff, Peiris said: "We hope so."
He declined to say what will happen if the deadline is not met.
Kumaratunga - from a different political party to the Prime Minister - has accused Wickremesinghe of offering too many concessions to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in his efforts to end two decades of civil war.
The main point of contention between the two leaders is which should control the defence ministry.
The President has said she wants Wickremesinghe to continue to lead the peace process, but insists on directing the ministry, which she took over in last month's power grab.

Bureau Report