New Delhi: Bollywood veteran actor Anupam Kher recently shared his 'Kuch Bhi Ho Sakta Hai' experience on Twitter and it is totally worth lending an ear to!


Anupam told his funda to stay 'happy in life'. The 61-year-old actor suggested to the people to look at the graph of their lives.

The boy who came in Mumbai with just Rs 37 has now achieved great heights. Yes, we are talking about Anupam here.

He will be seen along with the Scottish actor Gerard Butler in their upcoming film 'The Headhunter's Calling'. It will be premiered at Toronto International Film Festival this year.

Anupam actor has already worked in some award-winning Hollywood ventures like- 'Bend It Like Beckham', 'Lust Caution', 'Silver Linings Playbook', etc.

Catch Anupam Kher's life changing story here: