Oregon, July 04: Mhairi McKay shot a superb 66 to take a surprise three-stroke lead after the first round of the US Women's Open. The 28-year-old Scot holed five straight birdies at Pumpkin Ridge, Oregon, to card her five-under-par total in sunny conditions.
But the main talk of the day centered around the performance of the field's teenaged contingent.
Aree Song, a 17-year-old Thai, played with experience beyond her years for a one-under-par 70.
And she was level with 15-year-old sensation Morgan Pressel, who played bogey-free golf until dropping two shots on the final hole.

Irene Cho, 18, lies a further stroke back, while 13-year-old Michelle Wie blasted drives more than 300 yards before finishing on 73.

"Great, great talent," said tournament leader McKay of the 14 teenagers on show.

"They're probably looking at Michelle and gaining confidence."

But McKay was quick to play down any early talk of victory.

"I've been making a few changes in my swing and I know it will take a little while for everything to get in the groove," she said.

"I worked really hard with my coach, Chris Walkey, in Palm Springs last week and today everything seemed to click.

"But it's only Thursday, there's an awful lot of golf still to be played and I'm not going to get carried away by one round."

Defending champion Juli Inkster birdied the final hole for a 69, while Sweden's Annika Sorenstam had to make do with a 72.

"I'm tired," said world number one Sorenstam: "I was thinking on every shot."

Bureau Report