United Nations, May 04: The preparation for Iraq's National Assembly elections in January next year are "on track" but free and fair poll is not possible unless security situation improves, a top UN official has said. "The United Nations would not participate in Mickey Mouse elections. The elections have to be seen by the Iraqis as fair. Violence during the process has to be minimized and candidates should not be intimidated," director of the UN Electoral Assistance Division Carina Perelli told reporters here yesterday. Elections should not be seen as "silver bullets that cured all ills". But they are an essential step on the path to a peaceful and stable Iraq, she said.

"Therefore, the United Nations is playing an active role in ensuring that free and fair elections, called for by the transitional administrative law, would take place no later than 31 January," Perelli said who had just headed a three-week mission to Iraq to discuss the holding of elections with various parties. Ballot boxes have been set up in all but five areas by the US led provisional authority to get nominations for commissioners who would have to give an undertaking that they would not to fight elections or join a political party till they hold the post of commissioner. A web site has also been set up to receive nominations.

Bureau Report