Allahabad, Sept 21: Seeking to make an active comeback in Uttar Pradesh politics two days after quitting the Union cabinet, HRD Minister Murli Manohar Joshi today made a scathing attack on former state Chief Minister Mayawati charging her with trying to escape from her "misdeeds" by attacking "Manuvad". "I am not sure whether she understands Manuvad by loosely interpreting and applying it on her political opponents, law and judicial verdicts against her," Joshi said addressing a state-level Dalit conference on his first visit to his parliamentary constituency here after tendering his resignation from the Union Cabinet.

Asserting that 'Manuvad' should not judged by caste hierarchy but by the character of the people belonging to any caste, the senior BJP leader asked Mayawati "not to misguide the Dalit community in the name of Manuvadi forces trying to harm her political career and image." "She should be accountable for her actions and the law is catching upon her in the Taj heritage corridor project controversy and other cases," he said.

Ridiculing her self-proclaimed image as the messiah of Dalits, Joshi alleged that "amassing property in the name of her family members did not do justice to her image as a champion of Dalits."

Joshi said had he or the BJP-led government at the Centre been 'Manuvadi', the special court at Rae Bareli would not have decided to frame charges against him in the Babri Masjid demolition case. Bureau Report