20,000 commercial vehicles operators including bus operators, autorickshaw and taxi owners are holding demonstrations, on Tuesday, in Delhi to protest the insufficient supply of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Every night they have to queue up in front of CNG supply stations for several hours before they get fuel due to too few CNG gas stations. They have to stay up the whole night for fuel supply and then leave for another hectic day of business. This not only tires them but also puts passengers at risk.

With the fast approaching September 30 deadline, all commercial vehicles will have to convert to CNG, further aggravating the situation.
Even the Government seems helpless. Petroleum and Oil Minister Ram Naik said on Monday that the government does not have enough CNG supply to open more gas stations. He said this situation is likely to persist for the next 4-5 years.
Naik also added that the Supreme Court will be apprised about the situation and the Government will appeal to the SC to give the green signal to alternative non-polluting fuels instead of insisting on CNG. Bureau Report