New Delhi, Feb 26: The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will start a high-tech election campaign from today using e-mails, Internet, telephones (both fixed and mobiles), television, and radio to reach out to voters in the coming Lok Sabha elections. This e-campaign using 21st century technology, will be in addition to the traditional public meetings and door-to-door campaigns and will specially target the youth and will take the party's message to at least 15 crore voters in the country.
Party general secretary and spokesman Pramod Mahajan, while unveiling the e-campaign at a press conference here last evening, said such a campaign had never been tried earlier on a mass scale.
However, the e-campaign will be used only for the BJP and not for the NDA allies which would not prove practicable, Mahajan added.
Giving details, Mahajan said the e-campaign, meant to spread the ''feel-good factor,'' will begin on Thursday with the Prime Minister's recorded message to be relayed over the telecom network. ''You just have to click to hear the Prime Minister's message.”
A one-minute speech of the Prime Minister was relayed at the press conference.
He said there are about seven crore phones in India--2.4 crore mobiles and 4.6 crore fixed lines. ''We will attempt to send this message to all residential and individual phones,'' Mahajan added.
The message in Hindi will also be recorded in English and then in local languages. It will also be relayed through radio.
A short video will be shown on TV, in cinema halls and on cable TV networks.
To hear the Prime Minister's message, one would have to dial 3030 and also send an SMS to 3030 to download mobile screen-savers of the Prime Minister's photo, BJP symbol, the Prime Minister reading poetry.
One will also the able to replace the operator logo with BJP symbol and the Prime Minister's thought for the day. Bureau Report