London, Sept 03: Britain today welcomed India's selection of British Aerospace-made Hawk as the new Advanced Jet Trainer for its Air Force saying the deal was important for strengthening defence and trade ties between the two countries. "The deal, for the supply of 66 aircraft, support equipment, spares and long term in-country support services, is important for the UK/India defence and trade relationships, and will provide jobs in both India and the UK," Secretary of State for Defence, Geoff Hoon said.
"Once the deal is finalised, the contract will result in the majority of the aircraft being manufactured in India, and will allow for a long term joint production agreement between Bae Systems and India's Hindustan Aeronautics Limited," he said.
In a statement, Hoon said "this decision by India to select Bae Systems Hawk aircraft is excellent news for the UK, which follows on from our own recent decision to buy Hawk for the Royal Air Force. It demonstrates once again the high regard in which UK products are held across the world." Bureau Report