Crawford, Aug 07: US President George W Bush spoke by telephone with Indonesian President Megawati Sukarnoputri on Wednesday, expressing condolence and support after a terrorist bombing of a Jakarta hotel, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said. Tuesday's car bombing of the JW Marriott Hotel, one of a US chain, killed up to 14 people and injured 150. Police said it bore several similarities to the Bali attack last October which killed 202 people.
"The President spoke with President Megawati this morning to express his condolences for the terrorist attack in Jakarta," McClellan said here, where Bush is vacationing on his ranch.
"The President emphasized that the United States stands with the people of Indonesia in their fight against terrorism, and he offered any and all assistance in bringing those responsible for the terrorist attack to justice," he said.
"The President praised President Megawati for her leadership in taking a tough stand against terrorism and the two leaders agreed that the recent bombing would only strengthen their resolve to defeat the forces of terror.
Bureau Report