New Delhi, Feb 17: Certain little things in life can make up for what is lacking. However, we do not realise the quintessence of their being until we actually get to know them. In the prolonged quest of running from one achievement in life to another, like chasing the wind, life has as if lost its purpose. I struggled hard inventing devices to fill up 24 hours of the day. Isolated and encapsulated, slowly condensing within my shell, I started to doubt the profundity of our relationship. The relationship which was built over a span of two decades, whose edifice lay upon an unshattering belief and strong faith now started to weaken and coagulate. After all we had never met. My eyes yearned to catch the glimpse of my "invisible comrade", who had been there beside me through thick and thin. Yet a mystery to unfold. Preconceived notions did help to visualise a Zen-like figure emanating radiance. But the optical visions could now no longer appease the ethereal thirst in me. I constantly tried to fill the void deriving sanctity from ephemeral pleasures, speculating them for happiness. Whereas the true epicentre lied with nature. That is where we first confronted each other. After months of having given up regular morning walks, a subtle Sunday morning brought about the unanticipated miracle. The unexpected encounter with the invisible friend. Stuffing peanuts into the pockets of my jacket, I walked out of the house for a stroll in the nearby park. The same park which was once upon a time a second home after school now occupied no place in my busy schedule. After having walked one-third of the complete circle, I made myself comfortable on a bench in a remote corner. Cracking peanuts, thinking about the approaching Monday blues, a familiar voice echoed. I gazed around amused at the fact that there was absolutely no acquaintance till miles and reverted back to meticulous planning for the next week. A sudden reverberation was sensed again. This time with greater intensity. Forcing me to perceive the surroundings with much more emphasis. As I took a deeper look there sat a multicolored butterfly staring at me with intoxicated eyes, enjoying the taste of ambrosia on a rose bush. As I moved a bit closer, the little creature flew, diverting my attention towards the squirrel sitting beneath the bench and waiting for me to break the ice and share peanuts. I slung open some to my little friend. To my surprise not only the squirrel but also the bulbul, sparrows and the crows came forward to give me company. In a span of few minutes I was surrounded with creatures big and small - each talking to me in a different language never known, yet comprehensive. Easing my senses and reframing notions that nature is not just trees, birds, insects, fresh air, sunlight and clouds. But the essence lies in their being. The harmony was restored and an aura of His presence felt. The unexpected source of energy existed within the womb of creation. God, my "friend" is the experience of life itself.