Even as Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee meets opposition parties on the anti-terrorism bill, BJP Tuesday spoke of a schedule for enacting it and issued a three-line whip to its members to support it in Parliament. Briefing reporters after the BJP parliamentary party meeting, spokesman V K Malhotra said the bill would be taken up in Lok Sabha on December 12 and 13 and in the Rajya Sabha on December 18.
Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pramod Mahajan told members that it was important for them to be present during discussion and voting on the bill and that allies too have been requested to ensure that all their members were present in Parliament on those days, Malhotra said. There is no question of dropping the ordinance and the government is prepared to make amendments to the bill, he said.
He said a wide range of issues figured at the meeting with Home Minister L K Advani informing the members that the Centre would extend all assistance to Andhra Pradesh and Orissa to tackle the increasing naxalite menace in these two states.
Advani and Law and Justice Minister Arun Jaitley would be convening a meeting of Delhi MPs soon to discuss the transport problem in the capital as also unauthorised construction, Malhotra said.
Bureau Report