Islamabad, July 22: A petition was today filed in the Pakistan Supreme Court seeking lifting of the emergency imposed in the country before the October general elections.
Petitioner Shahid Orakzai said that the federation, which is respondent in the petition, announced polls without invoking clause 1 of Article 236 of the Constitution. The Apex Court has the jurisdiction to review the continuation of proclamation of emergency imposed after the military takeover on October 9, 1999, Orakzai said. The Constitution opposes nationwide electoral activity during emergency, the petitioner said adding, "it rather favours postponement of due elections."
"The holding of election has been rather made a matter of personal prestige by Musharraf. He (Musharraf) fears that a postponement would blot his public image and make him appear to be liar. He seems to forget that polls were not promised by him in free will but ordered by this court within a due timeframe.
Thus, it is for this court to review the timing or re-examine priorities at this point of time," he said.
Bureau Report