New Delhi, Aug 05: Tourism and Culture Minister Jagmohan today told the Rajya Sabha that despite the developments in Iraq and Sars problem, the international tourist traffic to India increased by 12 per cent during the last few months. Replying to supplementaries during question hour, Jagmohan said to boost tourism, the ministry has decided to open offices at Beijing, Bangkok and Malaysia. He said four tourist offices, including the one in Brazil, had been closed down due to commercial unviability. Jagmohan said Indian tourism had got a boost following a surge in domestic tourism which increased by about 3 crore this year as a result of visits to places like Rishikesh and Kurukshetra. In reply to another query, he said a sum of Rs 10 crore has been sanctioned to develop the Kashmir tourist circuit.
He said a preliminary notification under Section 4 of the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958 has been issued to protect Pushkar lake and ghats as the site/monument is of national importance.
Bureau Report