New Delhi, July 31: Renewing his efforts to break the deadlock over the boycott of Defence Minister George Fernandes, Lok Sabha speaker Manohar Joshi is convening a meeting of floor leaders next week on the issue. An indication to this effect was available after a meeting of the business advisory committee of the House today, Parliament sources said.
Joshi had earlier in the day expressed the hope in the house that the matter would be sorted out soon when Congress, Left and RJD members had staged a walkout during Question Hour after Fernandes rose to reply to a question.
The opposition parties are protesting for the last 18 months against the re-induction of Fernandes into the cabinet before being cleared by the Tehelka commission. The opposition parties are demanding a discussion in both Houses of Parliament on the Tehelka issue and related matters to help end the stalemate, a stand not agreeable to the government.
In fact, the chances of an end to the boycott had evaporated earlier this week as the government-opposition standoff on it turned bitter and an angry BJP-led coalition declaring the matter was "closed". The opposition parties had held a meeting on the issue on July 28 but had failed to take any decision in view of lack of unanimity. Bureau Report