Bangalore, June 12: Software services firm Digital GlobalSoft Ltd expects to increase the number of workers at its fledgling call centre by about 70 per cent this year to handle increased outsourcing from global companies, a top official said. "We are aiming to turn profitable in January and have a staff strength of about 1,500 by the end of March," Prashant Sankaran, who heads Digital's contact centre business, said.

Digital is 50.6 per cent owned by Hewlett-Packard Co and earned 70 per cent of its revenue from its parent last year.
Its one-year-old technical customer contact centre has about 900 staff and has three overseas clients, including HP.

"The business is in the take-off stage and we should be closing the year with a couple of new customers," said Sankaran.
The Bangalore-based company's engineers provide remote voice-based support for computer hardware products such as desktops, servers and laptops over high-speed telecom links. Bureau Report